The Summer of AI: An Adventure with Our Talented Artificial Intelligence Interns

Groupe de stagiaires dans les bureaux de l'agence digitale AXELITES

This summer, we had the privilege of welcoming to our team a dynamic group of Artificial Intelligence (AI) intern specialists. These young talents, hailing from all corners of the country, not only brought their technical expertise but also a fresh burst of energy and innovation to our office.

Total Immersion: When AI Meets Development

Upon their arrival, these interns immersed themselves in our work environment, sharing their days with our development team. The exchanges were fruitful, and every day, they impressed us with their curiosity and thirst for knowledge. While integrating seamlessly, they provided a fresh perspective and innovative approaches to the challenges we face.

Innovations and Achievements

During these summer months, our interns were far from idle! Among the innovative projects they developed:

  • Product Title Generator: Under the supervision of our experienced developers, our team of interns has brilliantly designed and developed an AI-based product title generator application. Using a model trained to dissect product images and their specific characteristics (such as shoe size, size, etc.), this app automatically generates relevant and descriptive titles. This project illustrates not only technological innovation, but also the fruitful collaboration between our emerging talent and our established expertise, aimed at optimizing product presentation for e-commerce.
  • Upsell Suggestion Module: At the request of one of our partners, owner of a renowned e-commerce site, our interns developed a sophisticated tool. After an in-depth analysis of purchasing behaviors on this site, they developed a module capable of suggesting complementary products in real-time that might appeal to the buyer. This initiative offers an opportunity not only to increase the value of shopping carts but also to refine the user experience.

Featured on LinkedIn

We were so impressed by the dedication and achievements of our interns that we decided to dedicate a report to them. You can find this video report, rich in testimonials and highlights of their time with us, directly on our LinkedIn page.

If this summer was marked by the presence of these young talents, we are delighted to announce that they will be joining us again next year for a new adventure. A new chapter of collaboration and innovation that we eagerly anticipate.

In conclusion, we would like to warmly thank our team of interns for their passion, energy, and the innovations they brought. The summer of AI was rich and promising, and this is just the beginning!

Dans notre quotidien effréné, il est parfois facile d’oublier l’impact puissant que des gestes simples de reconnaissance peuvent avoir sur notre bien-être au travail. Cependant, chez Axelites, nous croyons fermement en l’importance de cultiver une culture où chaque contribution est valorisée et célébrée.

Ce mois-ci, nous avons eu le plaisir de célébrer la Journée Mondiale du Compliment au sein de notre entreprise. C’était une occasion de mettre en lumière l’importance fondamentale de reconnaître et d’apprécier les efforts de chacun.

Lors de cette journée spéciale, nos bureaux étaient empreints d’une ambiance chaleureuse et bienveillante, où les mots doux et les gestes sincères de reconnaissance étaient dominants. De simples “merci” et “bravo” ont eu un impact profond, rappelant à chacun qu’il est apprécié et que ses efforts sont valorisés.

Mais au-delà de cette journée particulière, pourquoi la reconnaissance est-elle si importante au travail ? Les recherches et les études sont unanimes : la reconnaissance joue un rôle essentiel dans l’engagement des employés, la satisfaction au travail et la rétention du personnel. Lorsque les employés se sentent valorisés et appréciés, ils sont plus motivés, plus productifs et plus investis dans leur travail.

C’est pourquoi nous nous engageons à continuer de mettre en avant la reconnaissance au sein de notre entreprise, en encourageant tous les membres de notre équipe à exprimer leur gratitude et à reconnaître les contributions de leurs collègues. Ainsi, nous construisons une culture où chacun se sent non seulement respecté et valorisé, mais aussi inspiré à donner le meilleur de lui-même.

This summer, we had the privilege of welcoming to our team a dynamic group of Artificial Intelligence (AI) intern specialists. These young talents, hailing from all corners of the country, not only brought their technical expertise but also a fresh burst of energy and innovation to our office.

Total Immersion: When AI Meets Development

Upon their arrival, these interns immersed themselves in our work environment, sharing their days with our development team. The exchanges were fruitful, and every day, they impressed us with their curiosity and thirst for knowledge. While integrating seamlessly, they provided a fresh perspective and innovative approaches to the challenges we face.

Innovations and Achievements

During these summer months, our interns were far from idle! Among the innovative projects they developed:

  • Product Title Generator: Under the supervision of our experienced developers, our team of interns has brilliantly designed and developed an AI-based product title generator application. Using a model trained to dissect product images and their specific characteristics (such as shoe size, size, etc.), this app automatically generates relevant and descriptive titles. This project illustrates not only technological innovation, but also the fruitful collaboration between our emerging talent and our established expertise, aimed at optimizing product presentation for e-commerce.
  • Upsell Suggestion Module: At the request of one of our partners, owner of a renowned e-commerce site, our interns developed a sophisticated tool. After an in-depth analysis of purchasing behaviors on this site, they developed a module capable of suggesting complementary products in real-time that might appeal to the buyer. This initiative offers an opportunity not only to increase the value of shopping carts but also to refine the user experience.

Featured on LinkedIn

We were so impressed by the dedication and achievements of our interns that we decided to dedicate a report to them. You can find this video report, rich in testimonials and highlights of their time with us, directly on our LinkedIn page.

If this summer was marked by the presence of these young talents, we are delighted to announce that they will be joining us again next year for a new adventure. A new chapter of collaboration and innovation that we eagerly anticipate.

In conclusion, we would like to warmly thank our team of interns for their passion, energy, and the innovations they brought. The summer of AI was rich and promising, and this is just the beginning!

C’est à travers ces actions qu’on pose les fondations d’une culture de reconnaissance durable. Continuons à semer les graines de l’appréciation et à cultiver un environnement de travail où chacun se sent véritablement reconnu et encouragé à s’épanouir.